
1. Origines

The federation originated in the 1st Asian Symposium of Foot and Ankle Surgery in Nara, Japan in 1993. The 2rd Asian Symposium was held in Taiwan in 1996 combined with the 1st Asian CIP (the College International de Medecine et Chirurugie du Pied). The 3rd Asian Symposium (the 2rd Asia CIP meeting) was held in India in 1998. The 4th Asian Symposium combined with the 1st AFFAS meeting was held in Korea in 2001.

2. Aims

2.1  The Federation shall be soley an educational and scientific organization.

2.2  The purpose of the federation is to facilitate the exchange of ideas, information and research in the field of the foot and ankle surgery, and its related musculo-skeletal science among both the Foot and Ankle Societies and individual orthopedic foot and ankle surgeons in Asia.

2.3  Organizing a scientific meeting in Asia.

3. Structure

3.1  The federation consists of the foot and ankle national societies, regional societies of the foot and ankle surgeons, and an individual orthopaedic surgeon in Asia.

3.2  Alterations to the constitution must be submitted in writing to the secretary of the AFFAS.

4. Council

The council shall consist of within ten representatives, one of whom shall be the president of the meeting of the AFFAS

5. Finance

The financial matters of the Federation shall be the responsibility of the finance committee.(The detailed regulations shall be set separately.)

6. Place of Business

The place of business for the federation shall be that of the Japanese Society for Surgery of the Foot.